Williams Gift Presentation
Sun, Nov 3rd 11:45am - 1pm
Redeemer Church of Lakeland, 1520 W. Pipkin Rd., Lakeland, FL 33811

Many of you may have heard that our beloved members, Reuben & Hannah Williams, have decided to move back to their hometown in Maryland. They plan to move in 4 weeks. Since we won't be able to host a baby shower for Hannah as we had planned closer to her due date in March, the Redeemer Women's Ministry group would like to host a monetary gift collection for them as we did for Franchesca & Steven. These funds will serve as our baby gift to them and will help with moving costs as well. Please give between now and 10/31. Note "Williams gift" on all contributions. We will gather for cake and well wishes following worship on November 3rd.